Astrolog Horoscopes Zodiac Signs
Horoscopes Astrology Zodiac

Scorpio - The Scorpion - Middle sign of the Water Triplicity
October 23 to November 22

Common Ailments for Scorpio
Ailment that are most likely to attack a Scorpio are those of the heart, weakness of the back, lumbago, and gout.

Scorpio Personal Appearance

Those born under Scorpio are usually robust, and inclined to corpulency in middle life. They have dusky complexions, broad, square faces, and dark hair.

Scorpio Faults

Three great evils are apt to dominate Scorpio people when on the animal plane. These are anger, jealousy, and passion, and if permitted to hold sway will destroy their integrity and ruin their lives. This sign is the natural propagative centre, and the unawakened Scorpio person is sometimes a monster of lust. The intense love of praise and flattery is another great weakness.

The husband who does not coax and praise his Scorpio wife has not infrequently a very hard time of it. The habit of procrastination and indolence are very marked, and if not broken become veritable diseases. Those who have not learned the higher law of love are often very unsatisfactory and eccentric in their dealings with their friends. A friend is a splendid fellow as long as he can be used, but when he no longer contributes to their happiness and well-being, he will be tossed aside with no more compunction than one would throw away a squeezed lemon. Later, if they feel that the assistance of the enemy is necessary, the bridge will be rebuilt and used to the utmost.

Scorpio people have infinite tact in such matters, and their wonderful magnetic power enables them to destroy and restore these friendships with ease and grace.

When Scorpio people live on the higher plane, they are very superior individuals; when they do not, they are apt to be tricky, subtle, and very cunning. They have a way of finding out secrets, and especially those which pertain to business and social successes. Information thus gained is always utilized to the best advantage, and if it decreases the income or the power of the friend, it is regarded as a good joke by the one who has used the information thus fraudulently obtained. These unawakened Scorpio, people will stop at nothing to attain their ends on account of their determination and persistence. Whether working for good or evil results, they are indefatigable in their efforts to accomplish their purposes.

The women in this sign who have not learned to control themselves are apt to be great scolds and the worst naggers in the world. Their children are usually the especial victims. Such women are so jealous and suspicious of their husbands, and so fearful that other women will have some power over them, that they are constantly on the watch for an appearance of infidelity. A smile or a look is sometimes sufficient to cause a serious domestic storm.

The undeveloped Scorpio man is very hard to live with peaceably. He will also nag, and pick things and motives to pieces, and throw the whole family into a state of nervousness and fear.

Scorpio Growth
Scorpio people should remember that one true friend is preferable to a hundred flatterers, and that true friends are very rare, for the reason that true men and women are not common. They should begin at once to take account of their tendencies and their weaknesses. They should set apart a few moments each day for searching, analytical mental contemplation, and not spare themselves. They should resolve with all the splendid will-power and determination which belongs to this sign to overcome every obstacle to true spiritual progress.

Scorpio people can be anything they choose to be, and while their faults are difficult to overcome, they are so superiorly endowed with resolution that they can succeed if they will. If they could but catch a glimpse of their possibilities, of the work they could do in the world, of the magnetic, curative, and inspirational power they possess, they would never lag in the work of redemption.

They must overcome suspicion and jealousy, and this can be only accomplished by the realization of the existence of these dwarfing and despoiling qualities. They must acknowledge, that they are prone to excuse themselves, and, worse than this, to flatter themselves. Some of the Scorpio people who read this will immediately protest. "No such faults are mine," they will say, and perhaps in their indignation will close the book and vow never to have anything more to do with it. Such an exhibition of temper will prove that they are well hit, because those born under this sign who have given no attention to spiritual development are always very tender of their own feelings and equally careless of the suffering of others.

Scorpio Children
Children born under Scorpio are usually very domineering, and evince this tendency even in babyhood. They are the fretting ones, those who demand instant attention, and who expect to be constantly amused. The Scorpio child who has not learned something of self-control, and who has not been instructed concerning the danger of giving way to jealousy and suspicion before he or she has come to the age of ten years, will not be easily reached during the next ten.

Moral and spiritual development will then be an individual matter entirely, and it will come from the working out of a natural law—the hardest and the only one—"As a man soweth that shall he also reap."

These children are generally so bright, so apt, so quick to separate the good from the bad, the true from the false, when properly trained and directed, that they can be saved a great deal of after misery and shame by wise instruction in the very early years. This is of course true in the largest sense of all children, but Scorpio children will, by their natural tendency dominate every thing and everybody about them unless this characteristic is corrected as soon as the trait manifests itself.

Scorpio babies should be taught to entertain themselves, and should be kept very quiet. The largest and highest possible range of education should be given those born under this sign. These children are usually very fond of animals, but sometimes become extremely cruel when their commands are not obeyed. Scorpio children are very fond of luxurious surroundings. They should be taught simplicity in all things, and carefully watched as to emotional and passionate habits.

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